Radio Romania International was logged on April 17, 2014 (Thursday) with English programming beamed to India on their A14 summer frequency of 21500 KHz in the 13 meter band and parallel to 17760 KHz in the 16 meter band, which by the way, was targeted to Pacific & Australia. Programming on 21500 KHz was with SIO 444 at my QTH in Kolkata, India, while that on 17760 KHz was with SIO 323. Transmission was monitored between 0530 Hrs - 0600 Hrs UTC. Transmitter site (as per swskeds list) was Tiganesti, in Romania with a power 300 kW.
Program(s) "Newsreel" was heard followed by commentaries on the recent Ukraine -Russian crisis over Crimea and Romania's involvement in it. Also heard features - "Society Today", "Hit of the Day" and "RRI Sports Club". Energetic presentation was noted from both the lady and the gentleman who were the program hosts. RX used for monitoring the broadcast was Tecsun PL660 with attached telescopic rod antenna.
A reception report was emailed on the same day to the English department of Radio Romania International at <> with a detailed technical observation and program content, as monitored during the broadcast. QSL is awaited and will be updated here on receival. 73's
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