Friday, April 25, 2014

A14 Season Kicks Off With 2 New E-QSLs

The A14 broadcast season has kicked off with two new E-QSLs in my kitty!

The first E-QSL was received from Atlantic 2000 International for monitoring their special broadcast via internet streaming. The station plays a fantastic assortment of western music from different genres. In fact, by listening to their show I have heard a few golden voices from the years past, for the first time ever! Programming from Atlantic 2000 International was monitored on April 6, 2014 and a reception report was sent the following day to An E-QSL was received from Radio Atlantic 2000 International on April 17th, 2014, verifying my reception report. For details about their broadcast visit: 

The next E-QSL  was from the very interesting station STF Radio International. 
STF Radio Int. Special broadcast was logged on April 20 in the 16 mb frequency of 17660 KHz and a reception report was mailed right away. E-QSL reply was received from Jason/6955 on April 25 thanking for the reception report and a promise to send across a hard copy QSL once it is printed. Here's the e-QSL (#020) received featuring different decodings of one of the images sent by MFSK64. 

If you don't know about them yet here it is "STF Radio International, is a new venture that broadcasts digital modes over shortwave (similar to VOA Radiograms)" Details about them can be found on their website 73's

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