This weekend I had the pleasure of spending some quality time listening and monitoring SW broadcasts. Here are my loggings for Apr 25-27. QTH: Kolkata, India | RX: Tecsun PL660 Good DX. 73's
Date: April 25, 2014
Date: April 25, 2014
9525 KHz Voice of Indonesia at 1045 UTC in Eng Txr Jakarta-Cimanggis, Indonesia - Fair
9700 KHz RNZI at 1115 UTC in Eng Txr Rangitaiki, New Zealand - Poor
12095 KHz FEBC at 1100 UTC in Hmong Txr Bocaue, Philippines - Fair
7295 KHz RTM Traxx FM at 1130 UTC in Eng/ Vern. Txr Kajang, Malaysia - Poor
21505 KHz IRIB at 1135 UTC in Hausa Txr Sirjan, Iran -Fair
21480 KHz BVB at 1128 UTC in Eng Txr Talata Volonondry, Madagascar - Fair
9325 KHz RFA (IBB) at 1145 UTC in Lao Txr Saipan, N.Marianas -Fair
9400 KHz FEBC at 1200 UTC in Txr Chinese Iba, Philippines - Poor
9430 KHz FEBC at 1202 UTC in Chinese Txr Bocaue, Philippines - Fair
9720 KHz SLBC at 1205 UTC in Hindi Txr Trincomalee, Sri Lanka - Good
Date: April 26, 2014
15215 KHz BVB at 1825 UTC in Eng Txr Moosbrunn, Austria - Good
15250 KHz FEBA at 1832 UTC in French Txr Ascension Is. - Fair
13585 KHz KBS at 2020 UTC in Arabic Txr - Dhabbayya, UAE - Fair
13640 KHz AIR at 2025 UTC in French Txr Bengaluru, India - Excellent
Date: April 27, 2014
11685 KHz NHK at 13-1345 UTC in Bengali Txr Kranji, Singapore - Excellent
11995 KHz AWR at 1600 UTC in Eng Txr Trincomalee, Sri Lanka - Good
11865 KHz AWR at 1615 UTC in Eng Txr Agat, Guam - Fair
15150 KHz AWR at 1632 UTC in Farsi Txr Moosbrunn, Austria - Good
Date: April 27, 2014
11685 KHz NHK at 13-1345 UTC in Bengali Txr Kranji, Singapore - Excellent
11995 KHz AWR at 1600 UTC in Eng Txr Trincomalee, Sri Lanka - Good
11865 KHz AWR at 1615 UTC in Eng Txr Agat, Guam - Fair
15150 KHz AWR at 1632 UTC in Farsi Txr Moosbrunn, Austria - Good